Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

What a very special day! My first Mother's Day! It was a very nice day! For most of you who know me well- Sam knows how to win my heart and is now teaching Mary Kate. I rec'd a blue box-yes Tiffany's! I love Tiffany's! Mary Kate is learning very early on what a blue box and white ribbon is. We just hung out together and had a very nice day. Unfortunately, we had to attend a funeral this afternoon. John Moore, a wonderful family friend and once a major part of Mom Wilson's died on Thursday of this past week. So we went to the funeral this afternoon and Mary Kate had her first babysitter - of course not being either of our mom's or aunts and uncles. Yes we are the luckiest people in Delaware- Mary Kate got to hang out with Nancy (our doctors wife and the most wonderful nurse ever!) and their daughter Vicky. She was pretty good.

Anyway, we had a really nice day together! Sam and I agreed that we appreciate our moms so much more now that we have a child.